Artist Partnership Goldmund

Goldmund believe that the most groundbreaking artistic works happen when incredibly talented artists from distant genres and unrelated forms collide and spark new ideas.

The roots of Goldmund’s artistic alliances lie with the exceptional Claudio Rotta Loria who designed the Apologue speakers in 1987. In honor of his extraordinary design, the iconic Apologue was selected for the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), in New York.

Walking in the footsteps of the past, Goldmund endeavors to repeat this legacy with the “Crafted Better” campaign. “Crafted Better” explores the connections between artistic excellence and technical mastery. Artists from different horizons are invited to imagine their own, highly personal composition around a Goldmund product, for which they provide a background. These artistic ties will be renewed periodically and can assume a variety of formats.

For the first edition, two outstanding artists were invited: Grigorii Gorkovenko and Dimitri Jeanselme.

Dimitri Jeanselme is a 24-year-old French student who will soon graduate in graphic design. Despite his young age, his talent and ability is already that of a master. He finds inspiration in everyday items and experiences, including shapes, colour, sound and buildings. Alone with his creativity and without any constraints, he can go anywhere he wants. At the intersection of technical skill and conceptual ideas, his artwork achieves an aesthetic and peaceful result. Materialising the places where he would love to be.
Artist speakers
Prana Architect Loudspeakers
Artist speakers
Grigorii Gorkovenko is an unconventional Russian interior and furniture designer, the mastermind of “Gorkovenko design” and RIM Studio Design. His artistic signature consists in redefining traditional Slavic backgrounds, images and shapes. The best examples are the traditional Matryoshka Russian doll, the Busa giant bead, Gorbunok horse, amongst others. The style he calls @serious fun@ is an allegory of the competition between dark and serious, bright and shiny, almost clown-like. A synergy between laughter and sadness, light and heaviness, calm and craziness.
Prana designer wireless speakers
The Prana speaker is Goldmund’s lead product to launch “Crafted Better”. Its contemporary robotic look and sleek silver finish match seamlessly with any décor. The Prana’s visual adaptability is fully demonstrated by the distinctive environments proposed by each of the invited artists. As a balanced alloy of applied, decorative and fine arts, “Crafted Better” aims to communicate an artistic vision and encourage collaborative reflection and action.